OpenDroid 6.0 Image for VU+ DUO2

whats new:
New: Gstreamer 1.9.0 -> Gstreamer 1.11.1 -> 1.11.2
New: Compiler: GCC 5.30 -> GCC 6.20
New: glibc 2.2.3 - > 2.2.4
New: Python 2.7.11 -> 2.7.12
New: Bitbake 1.29 -> 1.32
New: structure enigma2
New: Skins oDreamy-FHD Mod. Opendroid_Team
New: bootlogo OPD
New: Spinner
New: Apparel Graphics
Added: OPD Panel
Added: Blue Panel
Added: Green Panel
Added: Addons Panel
Added: VOD Player Now you can make a STOP / REW / FF on VOD
Added: scroll also Epg on second infobar
Fixed:a player for MKV and other formats
And many other small improvements ....

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